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Is gschema overrides not working for some reason when I rebase a freshly installed bazzite, nothing changes except for the login screen icon, wallpaper doesn't get added, nor the themes, I've tried installing and reinstalling and testing a lot but nothing worked...
you just place dconf files in /etc/dconf/db/local.d/ & use dconf bling submodule Make sure that your dconfs are named higher in number prefix than Bazzite's, to take advantage This is already made in Bazzite, so no need, but if barebones base image is used, like -main, this also needs to be done:...

Yafti configuration

```applications: source: yafti.screen.package values: title: Application Installer show_terminal: true...
well yafti doesnt either too? you can use systemd oneshot to install runtime apps

which is the best way to create a subsystem automatically?

I want to create a fedora subsystem when the user first login. Is yafti the best tool? Running distrobox-assemble is enough.

Set default shell

I want to change the default shell from bash to zsh. I have found that modifying this fike would work, but it does not. Any ideas?...
No description

Is it possible to create distrobox image using bluebuild?

Is that supported? i think the difference between custom image and distrobox/toolbox image is they use mutable base and use dnf/apt/pacman to install package.

i need help to include executable scripts to my images, is there any way i can include them?

i want to include some universal scripts in my distro but i dont wanna go trough the horrible pain of hosting simple scripts with copr

ship image with containers?

I'm curious is there is a way to ship an image that deploys defined containers out-of-the-box? Let me know if there's a simple way to do this...
podman quadlets are a good way to do this

BlueBuild failing to run scripts on local rebase

Just started to encounter an issue when trying to build an image locally using bluebuild CLI. Whenever I run the scripts module, the build fails when it tries to run a specified script. I have two scripts, and they both suddenly have this issue. I haven't changed these scripts in a while, but perhaps I missed a note that they need to be relocated? The error I'm getting:...
This looks like this is a carriage return character. That's usually inserted when it is being edited on a Windows based machine. Try deleting the line and re-adding it in a Linux based environment. That might get rid of that carriage return character in your script.

unable to auth to rebase my image

```podman login Authenticating with existing credentials for Existing credentials are valid. Already logged in to thaleous@bazzite:~$ rpm-ostree rebase Pulling manifest:

builds failing on module format

All my builds are now failing with this new issue: [18:18:48 ERROR] => Failed: × Improper format for module. Must be in the format like: │ type: module-name...
it is not possible to define the top-level key type: twice

"curl: option : blank argument where content is expected" while building

hello, i started getting an issue recently after doing the /etc/ migration where for some reason curl stopped working my script. here's the part where it errors in the github action, and here's the part of the script where i believe it begins to error out. no idea whats happening since this worked fi...
Yeah set -x is your friend when it comes to debugging a bash script

support for surface?

I see that ublue is no longer actively supporting surface images, I have a surface and was going to create my own blue-build image specifically for it. How should I go about doing this?
-surface images are still available, they are not abandoned

image no longer building, stuck at akmods

My images no longer build, getting stuck on the akmods module, not sure if this is a big or if I did something wrong. here is my repo:

Seem to have lost origin ..

Hi, I hope I am in the right channel. I installed bluefin-dx-nvidia, then built my own image off of that using blue build. I rebased to my build, which kind of worked; the problem I have is that almost all of the base packages and configs from bluefin-dx-nvidia are now gone, and the only things installed are those things I explicitly called to be installed in recipe.yml. I suspect that is because somehow I broke the origin, and I don't know how: dave@dave-xps17:~$ sudo ostree admin status default fa461d3c81640dbf4179cb8aded5ec2765b0805313e7eaf5fe1806213e9941c5.0 origin: <unknown origin type>...

a snippet cloning from a repo is failing

```Running snippet mkdir -p /tmp/orchis-theme/ && cd /tmp/orchis-theme/ && git clone && cd Orchis-theme && ./ -d /usr/share/themes/ Cloning into 'Orchis-theme'... error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 5 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL (err 8) error: 40 bytes of body are still expected fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet...
fixed it by adding depth=1

change the system name

let's say im building on top of bazzitee, i dont want the word bazzite in the terminal or any other place, even in boot menu

github failed to build

ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c /tmp/scripts/ 'script' '{"type":"script","snippets":["curl -L | sudo tar xzk --transform='s/.*/urbit/g' -C /usr/bin && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/urbit"],"scripts":["",""]}' && ostree container commit" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 [13:53:14 ERROR] => Failed to build image Error: Process completed with exit code 1. github fails to build even tho it build successfully locally...

why when installing rust build fails

sudo: unable to send audit message: Operation not permitted Running snippet curl --proto =https --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh info: downloading installer rustup: Unable to run interactively. Run with -y to accept defaults, --help for additional options Error: building at STEP "RUN --mount=type=bind,from=stage-files,src=/files,dst=/tmp/files,rw --mount=type=bind,from=stage-modules,src=/modules,dst=/tmp/modules,rw --mount=type=bind,,src=/scripts/,dst=/tmp/scripts/ --mount=type=cache,dst=/var/cache/rpm-ostree,id=rpm-ostree-cache-meme-os-latest,sharing=locked /tmp/scripts/ 'script' '{"type":"script","snippets":["curl -L | sudo tar xzk --transform='s/.*/urbit/g' -C /usr/bin && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/urbit","curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh"],"scripts":["",""]}' && ostree container commit": while running runtime: exit status 1...

OS_VERSION in recipe.yml while defining the rpm-ostree module in reciple.yml it refers to %OS_VERSION% in the from section like so ``` - type: rpm-ostree repos:...