Configuring some Plasma system settings?

Is there a way to change some Plasma settings in my image so that I don't have to spend time in systemsettings or Edit Mode with the panels?
17 Replies
Luci :3
Luci :3OP2mo ago
This is the setup I want to replicate. I want the slimmer non-floating 38px panel with the date disabled on the clock widget, the grey accent color (which is a preset in systemsettings), the font (IBM Plex Sans Light), the wallpaper, the light cursor theme, natural scrolling, single-click to activate (as was the default in Plasma 5), the default Plasma Kickoff icon, and possibly more (but I can't think of anything else)
No description
MR sticky piston
All this is saved in your ~/.config folder. You can pick the files that change these things and put them in /etc/skel/. config
MR sticky piston
I dont know your exact settings as config files, but my config could be an example:
Sticky-OS/files/system/etc/skel/.config/kdedefaults at main · MrSti...
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MR sticky piston
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xyny2mo ago
if you want to have the files in ~/.config update you can consider using the chezmoi module with a separate dotfile repo or just a systemd service to copy the files automatically on boot /etc/skel/ will only be copied in on new user creation AFAIK thanks for the link though, previously i had no idea how to customize kde ootb
MR sticky piston
i would not say this is how you should do it as it contains some quirks, but it works but i could not find any real docs either
xyny2mo ago
MR sticky piston
for example, the way i set the background is by adding a wallpaper, then refernecing that from the look and feel, then referencing the look and feel in the defaults. that feels really weird to me but i could not find any other way except running a script that does it at runtime but that script made the desktop flash so im not using that anymore oh nvm that old method also app;ied a lookandfeeltheme just not as kde default
Luci :3
Luci :3OP2mo ago
Better than my idea (just replace the default wallpaper image) Can I pull these from my current (non-atomic) KDE spin?
MR sticky piston
I think so But you may need to do some filtering
Luci :3
Luci :3OP2mo ago
Time to hike through ~/.config then! ~/.config/kdedefaults looks promising.
MR sticky piston
Thats only for defaults and not used settings i think. Most user kde settings are in ~/.config For example ~/.config/plasmarc
Luci :3
Luci :3OP2mo ago
It does have Breeze-Dark in it, though, which is confusing. Fedora does their own weird ass look-and-feel setup iirc
[PlasmaViews][Panel 2]

[PlasmaViews][Panel 2][Defaults]

[PlasmaViews][Panel 2]

[PlasmaViews][Panel 2][Defaults]

Hooray! Panel settings! Do I need the [Updates] section?
MR sticky piston
I think not, i guess its used by plasma to apply updates. I think keeping it will not apply any changes But i dont know exactly how it works
Luci :3
Luci :3OP2mo ago
I think I'll just start with fonts. Do you know where that's set? I'm trying to teach myself not to make gargantuan changes in a single commit because I know I'll muck it up eventually.
MR sticky piston
No, but you can try searching in the files for something like "font" or "typography"
Luci :3
Luci :3OP2mo ago
I'm finding matches for Plex Sans in "trolltech.conf" and "xsettingsd.conf" Oh!
fixed=IBM Plex Mono Light,10,-1,5,300,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Regular
font=IBM Plex Sans Light,10,-1,5,300,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Regular
menuFont=IBM Plex Sans Light,10,-1,5,300,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Regular
smallestReadableFont=IBM Plex Sans Light,8,-1,5,300,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Regular
toolBarFont=IBM Plex Sans Light,9,-1,5,300,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Regular
fixed=IBM Plex Mono Light,10,-1,5,300,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Regular
font=IBM Plex Sans Light,10,-1,5,300,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Regular
menuFont=IBM Plex Sans Light,10,-1,5,300,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Regular
smallestReadableFont=IBM Plex Sans Light,8,-1,5,300,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Regular
toolBarFont=IBM Plex Sans Light,9,-1,5,300,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Regular
Hm, the cursor theme isn't in there though. Geez, this is a rabbit hole haha

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