Two widgets differents in the same row
I know there is an identical question but it was not answered, I understand that a widget takes the entire row, but my question is how do I place both widgets in the same row?
what I have done is this:
1)protected static ?int $sort = 1;
2) protected int | string | array $columnSpan= 2;
1 helps me order but it still doesn't solve the problem
6 replies
How can I install Alpine.js?
I have the follow problem div :
<div class="flex flex-grow p-2 h-96 sm:h-full sm:p-0 sm:py-4 sm:mr-2 sm:w-1/4 lg:py-4 md:mr-4" x-show="show" x-transition:enter="transition ease-out duration-1000"
x-transition:enter-start="opacity-0 transform translate-y-1 scale-90"
x-transition:enter-end="opacity-100 transform translate-y-0 scale-100">
doesnt work x-show neither x-transition I guess is for Alpine
So i have installed Alpine by npm and import in app.js but I see the problem is in filament , the component works perfectly if I delete x-show and transition etc... So what I need to do ? php artisan filament:assets for install Alpine ?
7 replies
Create a new page without resources and that only works to redirect
create the page and in App/filament/pages/namePage
I can redirect to a new view with:
protected static string $view ='page-name/;
but what I really need is to redirect to a url for example or some internal route name other than filament for example route (namePage.index )
I have also managed to change the view of the component, but the truth is I only want to use it as if it were a sidebar button, but I have no information to know how to do it.1 replies