Two widgets differents in the same row
I know there is an identical question but it was not answered, I understand that a widget takes the entire row, but my question is how do I place both widgets in the same row?
what I have done is this:
1)protected static ?int $sort = 1;
2) protected int | string | array $columnSpan= 2;
1 helps me order but it still doesn't solve the problem
5 Replies
Widgets should take 1 columns of a row. If you have columnSpan = 2 that will take the entire row. Change to columnSpan = 1 should take halve. By default the rows are in a grid of 2
@toeknee thanks but i would like that both widget has:
for example
protected static ?int $sort = 2; protected int | string | array $columnSpan= 3; so that both occupy half.... with only one works but my widget is so small and breaks the design
protected static ?int $sort = 2; protected int | string | array $columnSpan= 3; so that both occupy half.... with only one works but my widget is so small and breaks the design
that is perfect :
but i need to do this in the same widget:
return [
Stat::make('Número de servicios', $this->numService)
->descriptionIcon('heroicon-m-calendar-days', IconPosition::Before)
->description('En la fecha '.$this->dateService)
Stat::make('Número de servicios', $this->numService)
->descriptionIcon('heroicon-m-calendar-days', IconPosition::Before)
->description('En la fecha '.$this->dateService)
that is the problem i would like to use differents widgets
Hi, I'm not an expert but i've done this before by creating seperate classes for each stat and then creating a stat class where i load in multiple statclasses like this:
Thanks vrij
In the end I decided to put everything in a single widget, it is the best way but there must be an official way to do that anyway Maybe with : protected function getColumns(): int or public function getHeaderWidgetsColumns(): int | string | array { return 2; }
In the end I decided to put everything in a single widget, it is the best way but there must be an official way to do that anyway Maybe with : protected function getColumns(): int or public function getHeaderWidgetsColumns(): int | string | array { return 2; }