is it possible to get the current theme-mode: [light/dark] variable in a controller?
we are generating SVG´s and would need any information if the user is currently in light or in dark mode to set the background properly. for me the simplest way would be to get access to a variable dark=true/false - but it seems impossible, i can not find any information in session(), filament() and so on. I know there are ways to do ist with media-Queries - but this is not working for me so far. Would be glad if anyone can point me in the right direction or how to do it the right way. thank you....
15 replies
Select::make('xxx')->editOptionForm delete a record
Hello, i have a select fields which allows create and edit items. But how can i delete an record from the select field? the delete should be in the select at item level, or in the edit form. thank you in advance BR
3 replies
Repeater - Array to String Conversion when save - logImplodeAssoc
i am on my first testing to store json arrays into database with repeater.
- the database column was changed to JSON with a migration
- the Model got:
protected $casts = ['urls' => 'json'];
- output is also working
but a related error message will be thown when saving the form - i am not sure if i am doing something wrong, or it´s a bug:
Array to string conversion
* Format an assoc array as a key/value string for logging
* @return string
public static function logImplodeAssoc(array $attrs): string {
$l = '';
foreach( $attrs as $k => $v ) {
** $l .= "{ $k => $v } ";**
return $l;
->hidden(function(Get $get){
return true;
return false;
TextColumn::make('outstream.urls')->state(function(Model $record){
$out = '';
foreach((array)$record->outipstream->urls as $url){
$out .= $url['Stream-URL'].' ';
return $out;
11 replies
get new (changed) Pagination Value from inside a Resource
i want to store the new selected pagination value from a table inside a resource ... i have no clue how to access the newly selected pages count from that resource. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction? thank you
12 replies
JsTree integration to Filament
JSTree integration in Filament, i am searching for the best way with filament to add JsTree ( functionality:
1. native JS Tree - integrated in filament
2. alternative Solution with same Features
is it possible to achieve this? Maybe someone can give me a hint in the right direction.
thank you
5 replies