Filament9mo ago

Repeater - Array to String Conversion when save - logImplodeAssoc

i am on my first testing to store json arrays into database with repeater. - the database column was changed to JSON with a migration - the Model got: protected $casts = ['urls' => 'json']; - output is also working but a related error message will be thown when saving the form - i am not sure if i am doing something wrong, or it´s a bug: Array to string conversion /** * Format an assoc array as a key/value string for logging * @return string */ public static function logImplodeAssoc(array $attrs): string { $l = ''; foreach( $attrs as $k => $v ) { ** $l .= "{ $k => $v } ";** } return $l; } Repeater: Repeater::make('urls')->schema([ TextInput::make('Stream-URL') ]) ->hidden(function(Get $get){ if(!in_array($get('type'),[9,7,11,10])){ return true; } return false; }), TextColumn: TextColumn::make('outstream.urls')->state(function(Model $record){ $out = ''; foreach((array)$record->outipstream->urls as $url){ $out .= $url['Stream-URL'].' '; } return $out; }),
it says that function is in app/Traits/Observable.php, that is in your app, not filament or laravel.
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5 Replies
slamx_9mo ago
Can you share your error message?
nightyOP9mo ago
nightyOP9mo ago
the error happens in the function logImplodeAssoc which is not my code ... its from filament or laravel i figured out something..... the error occurs in observable.php if i change the function this way, the error is gone: /** * Format an assoc array as a key/value string for logging * @return string */ public static function logImplodeAssoc(array $attrs): string { $l = ''; foreach( $attrs as $k => $v ) { /* changes Start */ if(is_array($v)){ continue; } /* change End */ $l .= "{ $k => $v } "; } return $l; } when converting the array for logging ... it converts only one level - if multidimensional array comes to this function it breaks - i think it has to be fixed in filament source
awcodes9mo ago
it says that function is in app/Traits/Observable.php, that is in your app, not filament or laravel.
nightyOP9mo ago
i share this project with other developers.... i wasn´t aware, that it´s not from laravel... thanks for the hint

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