Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
Yup, I understand! Thank you very much for taking the time!
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
There is another memo in the resource source
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
Okay, see your point
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
Nah, the docs explicitly says that it will overrride whatever.
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
Hmm, I see what you mean, but then the case is that { equals: false } is a bit misleading? It swithches from deep (?) to shallow checking, or s.th?
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
But, this should also work without { equals: false } ? Due to shallow comparison?
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
Yes that works with { equals: false }
const [onFilterListings, setFilterListings] =
createSignal<FilterSchemaType | null>(null, {
equals: false

const [filteredListings, { mutate: mutateFilteredListings }] = createResource(
// Need a deep-copy for sourcesignal to diff on data-content
() => ({ filters: onFilterListings() }),
async ({ filters }) => {
console.log('onFilterListings', { filters });
const listings = await listingService.loadListingsByFilters(filters!);
return listings;
const [onFilterListings, setFilterListings] =
createSignal<FilterSchemaType | null>(null, {
equals: false

const [filteredListings, { mutate: mutateFilteredListings }] = createResource(
// Need a deep-copy for sourcesignal to diff on data-content
() => ({ filters: onFilterListings() }),
async ({ filters }) => {
console.log('onFilterListings', { filters });
const listings = await listingService.loadListingsByFilters(filters!);
return listings;
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
I tested now, just give me a few sec to double check that I have doen it right...
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
Sth along those lines would explain it, but reading the documentation, that is excatly what { equals: false } should circumvent?
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
Yes, that is the case. Therefore I assumed { equals: false } would work.
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 2/6/2025 in #support
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
Hmm, still the isgnal triggers as I can debug from within { equals: () => { ... })
29 replies
Created by Flemming on 3/2/2023 in #support
Suspense triggered witout reading data
A bit more elegant than my last workaround, but still a workaround, I made a const noop = (...args: any[]) => undefined; and just call that with the triggers as args in the JSX, like <Suspense>{noop(resourceReturn())}</Suspense>
9 replies
Created by Flemming on 3/2/2023 in #support
Suspense triggered witout reading data
Hmm, couldn't get createRenderEffect to work. Could it be cause my Suspense is in the same component, whereas if it was in a child comp of Supense it will trigger?
9 replies
Created by Flemming on 3/2/2023 in #support
Suspense triggered witout reading data
Thanks, but at a later time. Now I'm making trendy embedded microsites with solid customElement 😂 The intermediary solution is to skip the spinner, will probably get back to it at a later time
9 replies
Created by Torsten on 1/20/2023 in #support
renderStream not working after build
^ Disregard that, was fixed by updating to latest solid-element
4 replies
Created by Torsten on 1/20/2023 in #support
renderStream not working after build
build code is all tersed by vite, so I have no further clue atm
4 replies