createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
Hi guys,
I have a resource source signal with { equals: false } that does not trigger fetching unless I wrap and deep copy the object literal value in the source param.
The value itself is a propety of an instance wrapped with
, which I suspect is at the crux of this.
But why? I though equals: true
would guarantee a truthy source signal on setting?
Above not working, below working.
shallow structuredClone also fails.29 replies
Suspense triggered witout reading data
So... trying to wrap my head around suspense.
This is based off the "Real word" Solid example:
I have a service with a store which is populated through actions on singin/signup.
I have Login-component with a resource for each of them, signin/up + load data.
The login component doesn't use any of those resources' data itself, but it still "owns" the loading spinner, so Suspense seems a natural candidate.
What would be a idiomatic way to solve/structure this? My cleanest workaround so far is to include a call to a suspense-trigger in the JSX. The trigger is just this:
...but I am not happy with it as it tells me I should be doing stuff differently.
9 replies