Fill other fields (not part of the form) after Create
Hello, is there a way to fill fields of my Model that are not part of the form, for example I have a Title and Slug fields, but don't have the slug text box on the form since it is created 'behind the scenes' from the Title field. Or any other field that is not part of the form but it is required to have a value while creation happens. They are not part of the $data array so can't change them with
4 replies
Custom action redirect
Hello, what would be the cleanest way to setup a redirect inside a custom action on Edit page. I'd like to redirect back to index page of my resource but this https://filamentphp.com/docs/2.x/admin/resources/editing-records#customizing-form-redirects does not for me with my custom action. Works fine with Save button but not my custom button
13 replies
Disable form field if it has value
Hello, is there a way to disable form field on edit page if for example it is not empty or it has a certain value. I'm trying to use a disabled function but I'm not sure how to get the model values into the condition.
Any help appreciated!
10 replies