Custom action redirect
Hello, what would be the cleanest way to setup a redirect inside a custom action on Edit page. I'd like to redirect back to index page of my resource but this does not for me with my custom action. Works fine with Save button but not my custom button
10 Replies
Custom action did you try a return redirect('path') ?
I did, but I was looking for a way to do it more "Filament-y" way
I don't believe there is for a form, since you handle it.
You can use the REsource::getURL('index'); to get the resouce url
That didn't work work me:
Route [filament.resources..index] not defined.
Not sure why since this is working just fine for me:
What did you try for the exact code? as [filament.resources..index] has an extra dot.
Yeah, I saw that too. Not sure where the double dot comes from

Resource ?!? You need to replace that with the resource Class.. So:
Ahhh, that's what I've missed. Sorry, started using Filament 4 days ago 😦
Works perfect now
No problem
and Thank you!