PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by siuan on 2/5/2024 in #dash-feedback
Pipe/Cable features/questions
Hello, I am finally getting a chance to dive into the new Dash. There are a lot of cool new features! I'm making an "updated" version from a favorite level in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and trying to work with the cable and pipe tools to create some computer cables to plug into an outlet with a plug. Am I correct in my assumption (after looking everywhere), that you cannot use a custom cable mesh? I have a lot of cable meshes for spline cables, and it would be great to be able to use these. I also would love it if the cable tool could take static meshes into consideration like the way the spline can project onto static meshes, so you could use it for something like a computer cable on a desk. If I am wrong and you can already do this, I would appreciate knowing how. The spline tool is still way better than anything else I've used, but as you can imagine, trying to get it to correctly recognize where it should go in three dimensions (as opposed to just projecting onto something like a landscape) is really hard. I can't imagine that can easily be made less hard, just because of the screen to world problem. Also with the cable tool, does it begin from the pivot of the object?
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