Can't connect MySQL with my piwigo app on railway.app
I wanna deploy my Piwigo project my on railway.app and I did 2 instances
An instance of MySQL
An instance of my repo that contains only a Dockerfile
Here's the link of the railway public project:
Here's the content of this Docker file Dockerfile:
FROM alpine:3.10.3
LABEL maintainer="Moritz Heiber <[email protected]>"
RUN set -x && apk --no-cache add curl php7 php7-gd php7-mysqli php7-json php7-session php7-exif && \
curl -Lo /tmp/piwigo.zip "http://piwigo.org/download/dlcounter.php?code=${PIWIGO_VERSION}" && \
echo "${PIWIGO_CHECKSUM} /tmp/piwigo.zip" | sha256sum -wsc - && \
adduser -h /piwigo -DS piwigo && \
unzip /tmp/piwigo.zip -d /piwigo && \
install -d -o piwigo /piwigo/piwigo/galleries /piwigo/piwigo/upload && \
chown -R piwigo /piwigo/piwigo/local && \
apk --no-cache del curl && \
rm /tmp/piwigo.zip
WORKDIR /piwigo
USER piwigo
CMD ["php","-S","","-t","piwigo"]
In the piwigo side, I tried to put all informations from the database and it gives me this an error saying Cannot connect to server
How can fix this problem?52 replies