Created by bebop on 9/1/2024 in #✋|help
Edited public network domain not working
When I use the Railway generated public network domain my Python FastAPI server works and responds as expected. However, when I edit and change the domain of the generated to an edited and custom the URL and response times out.
12 replies
Created by bebop on 7/23/2024 in #✋|help
Prisma: Can't reach database server
Hi, I am using Prisma + Next.js deployed on Vercel, and communicating over public network with my Railway SQL database. This has been working fine for me, however I started traveling overseas and now I am having a hard time developing or communicating with the database at all because I constantly receive Can't reach database server at '': 40050. I have already looked through this Discord for solutions and implemented what was suggested here:, which helped a little bit but still inconsistent with my ability to connect + query. I believe this issue is very common for me now as I am in Asia and communicating with my db that is located in US East. How can I resolve or fix this? Is there something else I can do with Prisma to remedy this issue? My belief and reason for this post is that the issue is coming from Railway's ability to handle and serve requests that are across the globe and not near the region where most of my usage normally happens. Any help @Brody would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
101 replies
Created by bebop on 5/8/2024 in #✋|help
[ERROR] [MY-013131] [Server] Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size!
No description
52 replies