Created by Cesar on 7/17/2024 in #❓・help
Repository pattern server side / How to use plugin custom fetch server side ?
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Created by Cesar on 2/5/2024 in #❓・help
Repository pattern warning useFetch with Nuxt 3.10
Good morning, In the latest version of Nuxt (3.10) warnings appeared when using useFetch outside of setup. This causes me problems because I have an architecture split via the pattern repository and there is no reason for this to give me warnings. (PR #25071) Here is an example of splitting that I have: index.vue file: try { data.value = await Repository.taxModule.taxClass.getAll({ ...defaultFetchTaxClassParams, ...options, }) } catch(e:any) { setRequestError(e) } This method calls a utility class acting as a pass-through Method called: static async getAll( getTaxClassesOptions: API_taxClass_getTaxClassesOptions, ): Promise<ResultList<TaxClass>> { return await BaseRepository.getAllFactory<TaxClass>({ apiUrl: TaxClass.getApiUrlPrefix(), options: getTaxClassesOptions, adapter: TaxClassApiAdapters.formatTaxClassesResponse, }) } And finally the getAllFactory method (calling my useApiFetch component) static async getAllFactory<T>({ apiUrl, options, adapter, }: { apiUrl: string options?: any adapter: (data: any, options?: any) => ResultList<T> }): Promise<ResultList<T>> { const url = ApiQuery.buildQueryString(apiUrl, options) let response: unknown await useApiFetch(url) .catch((error) => { throw error }) .then((res) => { response = res }) return adapter(response, options) } My useApiFetch is currently a composable allowing me to wrap the standard useFetch and add my token and other options What should I change to keep this architecture while no longer having the warnings? If I replace the useFetch in my composable with a $fetch, the SSR no longer happens at all.. Thanks in advance
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Created by Cesar on 7/18/2023 in #❓・help
ComponentIslands error after update 3.6.3
Hello, I updated nuxt to 3.6.3 this morning and nothing works locally anymore I got this error: Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/_nuxt/@id/virtual:nuxt:/Users/XXXX/Development/YYYY/.nuxt/nuxt.config.mjs' does not provide an export named 'componentIslands' someone had the same problem?
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Created by Cesar on 6/22/2023 in #❓・help
Listening http://[::]:3000 after nuxt build & start
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Created by Cesar on 4/27/2023 in #❓・help
Multiple hydration warnings
I have a problem with hydration and I don't understand. The problem is when i fetch data in SSR, I have this error in my console Data loaded are binded in my component Button, or Pager ... <GridListPager :pagination="shippingDelaysPagination" @change-page="(page) => fetchShippingDelays({ page })" /> shippingDelaysPagination it's a computed (from data fetch) At the end of the script setup, i call my fetchData method: await fetchDatas() and they are well loaded in SSR This is the error message: Hydration node mismatch: - Client vnode: Symbol(Fragment) - Server rendered DOM: <!--]-->
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Created by Cesar on 4/5/2023 in #❓・help
Migration Nuxt 2 => 3 $children attribute
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Created by Cesar on 4/4/2023 in #❓・help
Global middleware infinite redirection
Hi, I can't get my middleware to work to block access to pages if the user is not logged in. I have an infinite loop that I can't explain. This is my global middleware code: import { useAuthStore } from "~/stores/auth" export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(() => { const authStore = useAuthStore() if (!Object.keys({...authStore.user}).length) { console.log('not authenticated') return navigateTo('/login') } })
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