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Created by elis on 4/3/2024 in #❓-help
Error formatting with trpcExpress.createExpressMiddleware
I'm trying to figure out how to do error formatting but it's unclear how to do it in the context of trpcExpress.createExpressMiddleware - The documentation use trpcInit.context().create({ errorFormatter(opts) { ... }) which I'm not using as I'm following the React Query example from the docs. Is there a concrete example I can refer to where should I plug the errorFormatter(opts)?
2 replies
Created by elis on 2/20/2024 in #✋|help
Build failing due to missing `.root/.cache/node/corepack/lastKnownGood.json`
My build is failing due to the missing file when installing yarn(?):
#11 0.375 Internal Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/root/.cache/node/corepack/lastKnownGood.json'

#11 0.375 Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/root/.cache/node/corepack/lastKnownGood.json'
#11 0.375 Internal Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/root/.cache/node/corepack/lastKnownGood.json'

#11 0.375 Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/root/.cache/node/corepack/lastKnownGood.json'
71 replies
Created by elis on 7/13/2023 in #✋|help
Service saying "out of memory"
My project was on a Hobby plan and I've received errors on one of the services mentioning Out of Memory issue - upgraded to Team plan with 32gb but still getting the out of memory error message
Invalid `prisma.published.findFirst()` invocation:
Error occurred during query execution:
ConnectorError(ConnectorError { user_facing_error: None, kind: QueryError(Server(ServerError { code: 1038, message: "Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size", state: "HY001" })), transient: false })
Invalid `prisma.published.findFirst()` invocation:
Error occurred during query execution:
ConnectorError(ConnectorError { user_facing_error: None, kind: QueryError(Server(ServerError { code: 1038, message: "Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size", state: "HY001" })), transient: false })
I've restarted and redeployed the service - still receiving the error - how can I debug/resolve that issue?
10 replies
Created by elis on 5/24/2023 in #✋|help
Service URL ENV variable is empty
The variable for a static URL of one of the services is empty (despite having a domain associated with it) - other services (and env variables) who are dependent on it are failing. Variable name: RAILWAY_SERVICE_MPC_API_URL
105 replies
Created by elis on 5/18/2023 in #✋|help
How to use custom domain for PR environments?
I'd like to use a custom domain and subdomains for PR environments - how to configure? Where does the wild card configuration should go?
3 replies
Created by elis on 5/18/2023 in #✋|help
How to use custom domain for PR environments?
I'd like to use a custom domain and subdomains for PR environments - how to configure? Where does the wild card configuration should go?
3 replies
Created by elis on 5/17/2023 in #✋|help
I have a service in the same project named mpc-api - how do I set the env variable for another service to load the static URL of this service? e.g. I want the env variable to be equal https://mpa-api-mytest-pr-12.up.railway.app - to do so do I set the value of the env var to: RAILWAY_{mpc-api}_STATIC_URL - or `RAILWAY_mpc-api_STATIC_URL? RAILWAY_{mpc-api}_STATIC_URL returned nothing (replaced with empty string).
3 replies
Created by elis on 5/17/2023 in #✋|help
How to configure wildcard for PR environments?
I've created a wildcard domain for the project and configured it correctly and it's passing correctly - but PR env is registering under the *.mysub.domain.com and does not create a custom subdomain
15 replies
Created by elis on 5/17/2023 in #✋|help
How to get the current ENV url (e.g. on PR) as an ENV variable?
Is it possible to receive the current environment's URL as an ENV var to be passed into the app? e.g. I need to assign the callback URL for google auth
5 replies