Created by Zephira on 9/20/2023 in #questions
Outside of cracks, whats the use for offline mode?
I find it very hard to believe that mojang/microsoft would intentionally add a feature designed to support and aid those with cracked accounts. It doesn't make much sense from a business perspective espeaclly when they have dedicated servers that verify each account when online mode is enabled as an anti-piracy messure.
12 replies
Created by Zephira on 9/20/2023 in #questions
Is there a way to force a server to use online mode?
Hey so i do a bit of programming here and there and i want to make a new plugin as a learning experience, but only have it usable if ther server has offline mode disabled. I dont support cracked accounts nor do i want my plugin to. Is there an existing plugin that forces online mode that i can look at the code and take some inspo? Or like any doccumentation online about this?
18 replies
Created by Zephira on 9/18/2023 in #questions
Bluemaps sql config?
While digging around in my server I noticed that bluemap has sql intergration? (./bluemap/web/mysql.php) but after inputting my sql database information and letting it run for a little while no data is being added. I can't seem to find any logs about failing to connect to the db or succeeding. Its like the file does nothing at all. I couldn't find any documentation about it either
12 replies
Created by Zephira on 9/18/2023 in #questions
i just wanna use the meta bot
11 replies