multiple panels vs single panel - what is the best practice
Basically buiilding a filament crud app where regular users can login and do stuff but also need a super admin who can login and manage a lot of different users (and ideally have the ability to impersonate a given user to help debug issues)
Is it better to have a single admin panel with conditional logic exposing certain functionality to the super admin role or a seperate superadmin panel that provides that functionality.
New to filament, leaning towards the latter approach wondering what you guys think. Or if there are any pros / cons that i am missing
5 replies
Change the default maxContentWidth from the panel provider for a specific page
In the documentation there is a way to set the ->maxContentWidth in the panel provider
There is one list page where I want a 'full' width due to the nature of data displayed.
So I want the ->maxContentWidth('full) for that page, but for the rest I am okay with the filament default ->maxContentWidth('6xl')
What is the best approach to achieving this ?
3 replies
Fileupload: How to show a default image that the user can override with their own image
Basically I want to show a default image in the file upload form that the users can choose to replace by uploading their own image. Couldn't find an easy way to do this in the docs (but I think I am probably missing something) Thanks.
8 replies
Best approach / pointers for creating a simple image paint functionality in a filament app ?
Basically am building a small app that I think filament would a great (for building the entire app not just admin) except i need some custom image painting functionality (user needs to be able to draw some on to an existing image and save a new one, maybe some croping.
Some approaches I am considering
- regular intertia.js / react for the app - filament just for admin (prefer to avoid this due to extra work))
- build a custom blade page within filament admin panel and use react there for the paint app (leaning towards this approach)
- build some sort of js / alpine component for filament and use that (i don't have much exp with livewire / alpine but could consider)
What are your thoughts on the pros / cons of the above approaches, am I missing something ?
Happy to get some pointers, thanks!
2 replies