multiple panels vs single panel - what is the best practice
Basically buiilding a filament crud app where regular users can login and do stuff but also need a super admin who can login and manage a lot of different users (and ideally have the ability to impersonate a given user to help debug issues)
Is it better to have a single admin panel with conditional logic exposing certain functionality to the super admin role or a seperate superadmin panel that provides that functionality.
New to filament, leaning towards the latter approach wondering what you guys think. Or if there are any pros / cons that i am missing
3 Replies
If the differences between panels is mainly just a permissions issue, then no need for a panel for every role or permission, just a role based access system and Filament has a plugin for that (the best plugin actually in the plugins store) built upon Spatie permissions package:
Shield by Bezhan Salleh - Filament
The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Panel's Resources, Pages & Widgets through spatie/laravel-permission.
But if the differences are deeper than the permissions and access topics like different features, behaviors, or themes then yes, this is the purpos of having many panles.
Thanks appreciate that