Created by xgloser on 10/24/2023 in #✋|help
DNS issue
No description
7 replies
Created by xgloser on 8/5/2023 in #✋|help
Issue with connecting to Spotify API (not happening locally)
Hi, I have deployed my app frontend react app deployed using one service and backend express using another service. The app connects to the Spotify API without issue locally however, since deploying it, I'm getting an error saying a param is missing - it's definitely there in the code as its tested and working correctly locally. Does anyone have any advice on how to diagnose? This is my first time building and deploying my own app, so really confused as to how/why its working without issue locally. Thanks Response Data: { error: 'unsupported_grant_type', error_description: 'grant_type parameter is missing' }
32 replies
Created by xgloser on 7/28/2023 in #✋|help
Monorepo deployment help - react frontend + express backend
Hey, I just want to preface this by saying this is my first time using react and node/express and also first time deploying an app so I may not use the correct wording while trying to explain whats going on. I built my app using npm workspaces to create a simple monorepo. So the structure is a packages.json file in the root directory and then my app and server in separate folders. I've managed to build and deploy however, I can't see my frontend site (the react app), instead I'm seeing my server https://boston-production.up.railway.app If anyone has any advice or can help, that would be amazing. Cheers, Casey
5 replies