Server Response too slow
that was a different problem. I think I fixed that by usign collectstatic in start configurations? idk or maybe because I changed debug to false. but the 30+ sec response doesn't happen on chrome. and the load times are good for me
164 replies
Server Response too slow
now this problem doesn't bother me as much now because most people use chrome anyway and this is just a portfolio website. but another problem I found is that backend django is in debug mode still even though I specified Debug= False.
164 replies
Server Response too slow
After countless hours of researching I found out that the problem appears only on firefox. I tested edge and chrome and they are all fine. yes the response sometimes takes 1-3 seconds but it's only expected as server is so far away. and nothing compared to 30+ seconds. and btw it's not actually 30+ seconds it's just that gunicorn times out after 30 seconds and when I set timeout to 5 minutes the problematic responses took all 5minutes.
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