rclone on railway to transfer data from one cloud to an other.
I'm creating an app the requires to transfer data from one cloud storage (like onedrive to an other like cloudflare R2). I would like to host my nuxt3 full-stack on railway, but wonder if it's a good idea to run rclone on it (mostly regarding the cost of data transfer).
Things to consider on the top of my head:
- rclone could use ephemeral storage but how much would be available for big file that requires multiparts?
- It could use the new volume storage feature to temporarily store the multipart data but if I store data temporarily, how do I calculate the cost?
- And then, would it be cuper costly to transfer something like 1To of data, and keep it in synch (let's say we transfer 100go of data per month)
I am open to any suggestion, I know I could run my app on railway and run rclone somewhere else, but it's annoying
Thank you
8 replies
Error 503 - Can't access to my express api
Trying railway for the first time here, everything looked smooth until I tried to access my expressjs api.
I can't figure out why I get a 503 error on both the generated domain or my attached domain
The deploy logs seem good
I made a test route for example
Is it due to the npm WARN ?
Thank you for your help!
11 replies