Reinier Kaper
Is there a way generating openapi client for Nuxt fetch API
Would this work?
We use it to generate our own clients with
5 replies
Automatic pending state for data being fetched?
This comment has a good solution to doing it automatically:
But the caveat is that this will track every fetch request, not just the ones you might want to track "locally"
30 replies
Automatic pending state for data being fetched?
Unless you somehow use the interceptors to track a "global" count of fetch requests, you'll have to do some manual tracking :
30 replies
useCookie does share state between layout and component when used in composable
Just for posterity (also posted this on another question): this is still a breaking bug in Nuxt 3.12, you need to downgrade to 3.11 for it to work:
6 replies
Problem with reactivity and cookies.
This is a known issue and currently the only solution is to downgrade to 3.11.3:
7 replies