Created by maaak9 on 5/8/2024 in #❓・help
useLazyFetch with slow api call
Hey! I'm having a hard time understanding the useLazyFetch. I have an api call thats slow (simulated to take 3 seconds). I don't know if i have misunderstood the documentation. But i get a 3 second delay when i refresh the page. However if i first go to the home page and then navigate to the route where this code is located i don't get the 3s delay. Am i missing something? Or should i disable server for slow api calls like this and handle the loading state? Heres the code I'm testing with
<script setup>
const { data, pending } = await useFetch('', {
lazy: true,


<div v-if="pending">
<div v-else>
<h2>{{ data }}</h2>
<script setup>
const { data, pending } = await useFetch('', {
lazy: true,


<div v-if="pending">
<div v-else>
<h2>{{ data }}</h2>
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