Created by r1me on 12/23/2024 in #❓・help
Nuxt i18n - Nested Route translation does not work
Hi guys, I am using Nuxt i18n with the "config" option for the customRoutes... I have implemented the nested route example like it is implemented on the official documentation: https://i18n.nuxtjs.org/docs/guide/custom-paths#example-1-basic-url-localization However, the route url does not get translated, for all my root routes the translation works like a charm, however for example for my route called 'sukun' which will have a subroute called 'sukun/exercises', I have created a directory called 'sukun' and in there I have index.vue and exercises.vue, then I have added this to the nuxt.config.ts file like this:
sukun: {
en: "/sukun",
nl: "/sukun",
... more languages
"sukun-exercises": {
en: "/sukun/exercises",
nl: "/sukun/oefeningen",
... more languages
sukun: {
en: "/sukun",
nl: "/sukun",
... more languages
"sukun-exercises": {
en: "/sukun/exercises",
nl: "/sukun/oefeningen",
... more languages
However this does not work... It only works for english because it is the default language. Can someone help me by this? Or did someone had this issue?
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