•Created by Zenologia on 9/25/2023 in #questions
Unable to connect to 1.20.1 server with 1.20.2
Damnit ok thanks
11 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 9/25/2023 in #questions
Unable to connect to 1.20.1 server with 1.20.2
[02:01:57 INFO]: UUID of player Zenologia is 36ce2d67-8fb5-4cea-94b5-b4e87b949e83
[02:01:57 INFO]: Zenologia[/<my IP>] logged in with entity id 1178 at ([world]-1852.3248628654783, 67.0, 2164.234044404714)
[02:01:57 INFO]: Zenologia lost connection: Disconnected
[02:01:57 INFO]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client Zenologia
11 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 9/25/2023 in #questions
Unable to connect to 1.20.1 server with 1.20.2
1.20.1 still connects just fine
11 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 9/25/2023 in #questions
Unable to connect to 1.20.1 server with 1.20.2
[01:53:11] [Netty Worker IO Thread #18/INFO]: [Zenologia|/<my IP>] <-> ServerConnector [Survival] has connected
[01:53:11] [Netty Worker IO Thread #18/INFO]: [/<my IP>|Zenologia] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
[01:53:11] [Netty Worker IO Thread #18/INFO]: [/<my IP>|Zenologia] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [Survival] has disconnected
11 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 9/25/2023 in #questions
Unable to connect to 1.20.1 server with 1.20.2
This is all thats related to my name in latest.log
11 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 9/25/2023 in #questions
Unable to connect to 1.20.1 server with 1.20.2
Just an update - updating Pufferfish did not fix the issue
11 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 8/22/2023 in #questions
setting up dynmap link
Link itself works still waiting on the proxy to work
12 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 8/22/2023 in #questions
setting up dynmap link
Testing now
12 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 8/22/2023 in #questions
setting up dynmap link
I’ll deal with hiding the IP later
12 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 8/22/2023 in #questions
setting up dynmap link
What would at least be the correct DNS record for the redirect itself to work
12 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 8/1/2023 in #questions
good auto restart mod for fabric 1.19.2
I’ll mess with it. I was hoping for a mod to do this but if no one else has a solution I suppose I’ll have to do that.
13 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 8/1/2023 in #questions
good auto restart mod for fabric 1.19.2
It’d be nice to have something that counts down in game when it will restart like the ultimate auto restart plug-in. Multicraft does have a restart function but it doesn’t notify you in game
13 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 8/1/2023 in #questions
good auto restart mod for fabric 1.19.2
My friend is using pebblehost in particular
13 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 8/1/2023 in #questions
good auto restart mod for fabric 1.19.2
I saw this. That’s forge only. I said I need fabric
13 replies
•Created by LanderYT on 7/31/2023 in #questions
Custom loot table
Can confirm my server has a custom datapack to modify the warden loot table. Fairly straightforward to get it setup
5 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 7/30/2023 in #questions
creepers still doing block damage
I’ll drop in protect and anti build and do some testing later. Thanks guys
18 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 7/30/2023 in #questions
creepers still doing block damage
What’s the point of the essentials flags then ? (I’ll use WG in a bit I’m just asking at this point)
18 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 7/30/2023 in #questions
creepers still doing block damage
Worldguard isn’t installed
18 replies
•Created by Zenologia on 7/19/2023 in #questions
command to let users know what commands they have access to
What command in luckperms would show users what commands they have access to ?
7 replies