Furkan 'NaxoziwuS'
Failed to resolve import "~/node_modules/consola/dist/index.js" from
I have started experiencing this issue in all the boilerplates or similar template contents that I use.
I can't seem to solve it; I keep getting different errors.
Even if I perform a fresh installation, it persists.
I need help on how to resolve this.
6 replies
Navigation, Routing help
In a web page,
I have sidebar items.
I have content within a border.
I want to set it up so that when I click on the sidebar items, the content within the border changes without starting a new page and without replacing the whole page's content.
What should I research to achieve this functionality, where clicking on an item shows the content in the specified area of the page without reloading the entire page or starting a new one? What is this called? Can you share any resources that might help?
2 replies