DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by kriskotooBG on 3/30/2024 in #djs-voice
Retrieve voice channel reference from voice connection
I'm trying to deal with the client being dragged to a different channel. I'm using code very similar to the example in the docs with dealing with re-joins and that works, but I also store a reference to the original voice channel. I would like to update that reference, but I'm not sure how to retrieve it. I only have the voice connection state and voice connection itself
9 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by kriskotooBG on 3/2/2024 in #djs-questions
Set 'about me' field
Hello, I was googling for an answer but didn't find anything in the library. I'm not sure if that's still the case but is there a method from the library to update a client's 'about me' field? Or you have to make a PATCH request to the discord API manually?
13 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by kriskotooBG on 1/22/2024 in #djs-voice
Stuck at connecting
I have noticed that sometimes the connection state of a voice channel goes through these states: signalling > connecting connecting > connecting connecting > connecting And then it just gets stuck in that connecting state indefinitely. The bot does join the voice channel but does nothing. The normal events usually look like: signalling > connecting connecting > connecting connecting > connecting connecting > connecting connecting > ready
3 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by kriskotooBG on 1/21/2024 in #djs-questions
Client as GuildMember
Hello, this has probably been asked a million times, and I'm sorry for probably re-opening a topic. I tried my best to use Google but didn't find the best way. I want to fetch the client for a given guild (from a message object) as the GuildMember. What is the best way? Is it guild.members.fetchMe?
15 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by kriskotooBG on 1/13/2024 in #djs-voice
Volume normalization
I know this might be a bit of an out-of-scope question, but I couldn't really find any documentation on this online. I found ffmpeg has the option of volume normalization, but it would be nice to not analyze the entire file beforehand. I have a folder with a bunch of mp3s or oggs and I'm playing then using the example on the website. The issue is that some are much louder than others. Of course, I can fix the files, but that would be no fun! Is there a way to dynamically set the peak volume (maybe based on the first 10 seconds of the file or so) to a certain level? I want to avoid scanning the entire file ffmpeg because what if I have a super long file? Any help is much appreciated!
10 replies
DIdiscord.js - Imagine ❄
Created by kriskotooBG on 1/2/2024 in #djs-voice
discord.js and deno
Is the voice library supported with Deno? I am getting a weird error 'sig is not defined' when trying to run the example code from the docs with Deno. Thanks for the help!
14 replies