Created by cruvex on 1/11/2024 in #✋|help
Cannot access Spring Boot API when it is deployed with https
Hi When I run my Spring Boot application locally in IntelliJ or deploy it to docker desktop I can access my with the following link https://localhost:8080/endpoint This uses a Self-Signed Certificate configured like this in application.yml: logging: level: org.springframework.web.filter.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter: DEBUG pattern: console: "[%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss - Z}] - %msg%n" server: port: ${PORT:8080} ssl: key-store: classpath:springboot.jks key-store-password: xxx key-store-type: JKS key-alias: springboot However when I deploy the application (Using railway up) with the above config I cannot access my API via the railway provided domain. I keep getting the following response: 400 Bad Request This combination of host and port requires TLS. Also when I remove the ssl config from my application.yml so that my application uses http instead of https everything works like I want. But I'm told its better to have it run on https even if Railways domain is https. FYI: I am completely new to Spring Boot and web security.
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