Gradle.kts implementation path incorrect
Hi, I have a jar file that I implement from build.gradle.kts with this line "implementation(files("aspose-slides-24.3-jdk16.jar"))"
It works in my IDE (IntelJ) but when I deploy the program I have a main class not found error.
As soon as I remove that line from build.gradle.kts the program can deploy.
I am on Windows and it's not the first time I had an issue with paths between my local machine and railway deployment.
Thanks in advance and sorry for my ignorance.
6 replies
Website Domain
Hi, I never hosted a website before, I made the code but I have no idea if I have to make additional configuration or configure a DNS if I use a custom domain for it.
I just want to know where and what I should look for to make it work.
8 replies
Error when deploying project
Hi, I am reporting an issue I encountered after pushing an update to my project on github :
"Error: Unable to access jarfile build/libs/M" I tried to fix it but I have no idea how, i decided to rollback to an old version that was working but I still get the same error
11 replies
Can't find created files
Hi, I have a program that works locally as expected. It analyses and manipulated some documents and then create screenshot of that documents that it stores inside a folder called "output", the issue is that i am not even sure that the files get created inside that folder when It's deployed.
Here is the project ID : 8b268cdb-6557-4657-a4ad-5c7aa61441c8
38 replies