MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 12/10/2024 in #🎬media
"I will be taking that heart of yours...."
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 11/11/2024 in #💡suggestions
Requesting new emote: Trelawney Eyes
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 10/20/2024 in #💡suggestions
New Server Emote: Rizzlemort
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 8/27/2024 in #💡suggestions
Server Event Suggestion: HPMA fan Graduation
With the imminent closure of the english servers coming in october, I thought that if WB/NE isn't going to give the english players the send off they deserve, WE the best unofficial HPMA discord, will give them the send off they deserve, with a (fake) graduation. Here are some ideas for the fan-graduation procession: 1. Create a #.English Server Fan-Graduation channel or thread. 2. Photos! Graduations take photos while people are wearing the graduation gowns. Maybe have everyone dress up in their school robes? Or some other easily acquirable outfit? Then post them together in the channel or thread, maybe make a subsection where its all photos. 3. Elect someone to write graduation speeches/commencement, then have another channel where people can write smaller paragraphs of speeches regarding their own experience in the game 4. Host a vote and population survey to find out how many people at which servers would be interested in a discord-member duel tournament, and maybe film everything. Much like the 2022 discord tournament. It's not like we can wait to have those in the future, might as well seize the day? :gems: will be gone by the end of october, so might as well burn them all on tournaments?
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 4/21/2024 in #🎬media
Saw this lady and thought of JOJO!!!!
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 4/17/2024 in #📝hpma-topics
Herb Picking Guide (with pictures)
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 4/1/2024 in #🎬media
April Fools Cactus
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 3/30/2024 in #🎬media
Send Help
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 2/12/2024 in #💡suggestions
Can we have more concise global-servers roles?
Like a role for Ashwinder Server, phoenix server, etc. Also would be great to have an icon next to them that is independant from font color (which indicates houses), or flip them around and have colored font for servers and the small badge icons for houses?
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 1/9/2024 in #🎬media
Help me overcome my designer-skill-issues please (sob)
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 12/27/2023 in #🎬media
A friend drew their OC and Patronus
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 12/4/2023 in #🎬media
We wish you a merry christmas, and a happy new wheel
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 11/24/2023 in #🎬media
Full size Ron
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 11/14/2023 in #🎬media
Quest forcing me to play Divination be like
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 11/3/2023 in #🎬media
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 10/29/2023 in #🎬media
Oh the humanity! ❄❄❄❄
https://youtu.be/iTvy5zAPg-o 🌨️ ❄️ ⛄ ☃️ 🧊
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 10/27/2023 in #🎬media
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 10/17/2023 in #🎬media
"Oh my hair got windblown again! Let me fix this real quick..."
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 10/13/2023 in #🎬media
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MGMobile Games
Created by QQinfinity/萊特Light on 7/26/2023 in #💡suggestions
Azkaban's Jail Emote
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