Herb Picking Guide (with pictures)

Credit goes to TW player "芙莉露". This was posted in her in-game social page. Translation by your usually helpful Tophat.
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Geraniums: 1 & 2 Near Forbidden Forest 3. Outside Hagrid's Hut 4. Greenhouse.
Puffapods: 1. Forbidden Forest 2. There's a slope near Whomping Willow, and further down a small patch of forest. 3. From outside the Great Hall, take the bridge walk all the way to the woods, on the right. 4. Greenhouse 5 & 6. In Bewildering Blooms
Roses: 1. Four roses in Madam Puddifoots 2. One on the counter of Bewildering Blooms
Niffler: One at a corner in Greenhouse
Lady's Mantle: 1 & 2. Edge of the Lake 3. The woods on the right side of Quidditch pitch 4. Outside Madam Malkin's 5. Outside Owl shop 6. Hogsmeade Post office IMPORTANT REMINDERS: 1. You can only pick five herbs per day (all the other herbs instantly vanish when you got 5). Pick the herb you want, wisely. 2. You can obtain either epic/purple, rare/blue, or seed/starters. 3. You can pick herbs once you reach novice II; for Lady's Mantle you need novice III. 4. Geraniums, Puffapods and Lady's Mantle can be picked during weekdays (mon~fri) 5. Roses only appear during the weekend (sat & sun). Nifflerfancy only on Sundays.

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