it should be self explanatory for any good server but if its not, a channel for messages voted on by a specific reaction that people consider funny or memorable
Wrongly written language choice
You're asking what languages do I speak? And the lithuanian word that you used is "Lithuanian" as in - a person who is a lithuanian, not a language. You should update it to
. This would be the correct term :Happy_pepe:
There's a new game coming in March called Noisy Chef is coming in March the 25th
Heres the offical website
Stop the change of this discord
Stop changing this discord into a general gaming discord. Many sub channels on this discord are already full of conversations talking about the negative impact it has had and will have for the future of this discord. Stay true to its origin, and stick to HPMA and then you can have some sub channel or category for other games and promotion of those.
Channel for Season Spoilers instead of us using threads
A channel for MA spoilers and upcoming content would be great!
Channel for MA tutorial videos
It would be great to have a channel where content providers could post videos of how to do decorating, deck-build, pve, use new cards etc. Yes, I realize that some will just post footage of their duels without any explanation (but hopefully not). Right now, I’m not aware of any one-stop place where we can find content creators and videos for info.
Suggestions Channel
This is the channel where members can share their ideas and suggestions to make our server even better.
💬 We want to hear from you: Submit your proposals for creating new channels, suggesting specific topics or themes that you would like to explore.
😂 Express yourself with emotions: Suggest adding new emojis, bringing more fun and expressiveness to conversations....
Tickets instead of forums for reports
Makes it private channel with person submitting ticket and staff/role of your choosing.
Some people may want to share sensitive info they don't want 16k people seeing....
Requesting new emote: Trelawney Eyes
she's staaaaaaring.
emote provided by @Wizoerda...
Add channel for posts related to hpma community creators
I think that since hpma has lots of groups, it will be cool if there will be channel where these servers can be found (such as event hosting, fan discord servers, etc)
Either people post them by themselves if they met the requirement (to avoid bot spam) or something similar to media channel...
Please add the fan voting event back so we can choose which roulette outfit we want to bring back.
It would be cool if we fans/players of the game could choose again an outfit that we wanted to return to the game. 🙂
Add new channels for new events such as Patronus and Postcard Collection Trade
Like messages get flooded fast in the discussion chat so people will be more successful in finding the trade client
enable discord links
Possible to enable discord links in club recruiting?
Alot of clubs have club discords....
Voice on Duelling
When i go Duelling with voice , and end up why the voice still there not turn off , that gonna be turn off if i relog in the game, mau you fix it? Thankyou. Just for privacy things
NE version download
Since WB version is ending, there's no point of keeping it on the download section
Server Event Suggestion: HPMA fan Graduation
With the imminent closure of the english servers coming in october, I thought that if WB/NE isn't going to give the english players the send off they deserve, WE the best unofficial HPMA discord, will give them the send off they deserve, with a (fake) graduation.
Here are some ideas for the fan-graduation procession:
1. Create a #.English Server Fan-Graduation channel or thread....