Created by u_u on 9/4/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Cotton ripstop jacket use
Hi I recently sort of impulse bought this jacket but upon receiving it and doing some late research I've realised that it doesn't have as much practicality as I expected (waterproof, wind resistance, insulation). I like the look of it after trying it on and it fits well but I can't shake the thought that I've bought something that is kinda pretending to be something it's not, and as a result is kinda stupid? To me it really looks like a functional coat from the outside but in reality if it rains I'd just get soaked even with a hood.. I'm guessing it should be used as light outerwear during the summer but again to me it looks like a coat so I think i might look weird compared to being used during colder seasons. I'm in England so it rains quite often and is usually windy. I bought it on sale and can still return it so I just wanted to get some opinions since I'm unsure on its usage as well as whether or not it was a good purchase value-wise. Thanks. https://www.mrporter.com/en-us/mens/product/kaptain-sunshine/clothing/parkas/camouflage-print-cotton-ripstop-parka/1647597308385035
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