"Correct" way of setting up DB for Aspire.NET MicroServices following CA
The GPT is telling me to have 1 DatabaseInitializer that takes in multiple DbContexts and loops through them running EnsureCreated
can't tell if it's trying to gaslight me but maybe it's alright?
I'd get running migrate on each one but not EnsureCreated, surely that only needs to be once
18 replies
TS false property not exists message (TS not detecting type in template)
i'm assuming that he's looping through the array on line 6 of the template and the category variable he gets out is the individual ProductData type which is also an array of the type he actually wants which contains the category_name
9 replies
Idk how to hydrate / execute client side only
https://github.com/vueuse/vueuse/issues/2035 additional issue with more details
12 replies