Bundling Component SSR Compatible library - sharedConfig is undefined
I'm trying to create a SolidJS Component library which will be imported into an Astro project. Most of the components will be hydrated, which means they will be rendered in the server. I used the
option of vite solidPlugin, but I'm facing an issue,
This is my vitejs config :
When I try then to import my library to an Astro project, it tells me the following when I try to render one of the component :
This is the generated code :
Does anyone know what am I missing here ?8 replies
How to preserve reactivity in a multilevel object stored in a nanostore map ?
I'm trying to create a simple cart store using the nanostores library (https://github.com/nanostores/solid), the data looks like this :
I'm reading the store like this :
I'm facing 2 problems :
1 - If I add a new item to the cart, it's reactive. If I remove an item or reset the cart, it's also reactive. If I try to increase the quantity of an item, it's NOT reactive. I think this is because it's a nested object, but how can I fix this to make it reactive without changing the nanostore library ? 2 - useStore returns a signal, but I'd like to use a useCart function that returns every cart-related logic (because I want it to be a library and it's annoying to install @nanostores/solid in the final project), I tryed different things, none of them work : Is there a solution to preserve the reactivity without having to import the useStore function in the final project ? Thanks for the help!
1 - If I add a new item to the cart, it's reactive. If I remove an item or reset the cart, it's also reactive. If I try to increase the quantity of an item, it's NOT reactive. I think this is because it's a nested object, but how can I fix this to make it reactive without changing the nanostore library ? 2 - useStore returns a signal, but I'd like to use a useCart function that returns every cart-related logic (because I want it to be a library and it's annoying to install @nanostores/solid in the final project), I tryed different things, none of them work : Is there a solution to preserve the reactivity without having to import the useStore function in the final project ? Thanks for the help!
39 replies