Snertjong 40K
Snertjong 40K
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Snertjong 40K on 5/17/2024 in #help-me
Singleplayer LOD refuse to load beyond about 64 chunks, render limit is 128
The LOD chunks seem to only load up to 64 chunks of my set DH render distance, and only 1block/2block detail level, no lower. I have tried exploring(walking speed to let it load), waiting minutes to load, and fully reinstalling DH-resetting settings. No shaders are on, but I do have Sodium, Indium, and Iris for example. My mod folder is attached. I haven´t tried deleting Noisium yet but this mod should only improve DH´s performance. I'd use the debug stuff but I have no idea how.
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