NSNabBot Support
•Created by Zions Tokes on 6/28/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
missing respawn list
Mines completely gone also atm
32 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
no worries, it seems like it happens 6 hours after ss or so
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
i cant msg u
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
msg me first
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged

40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
right now
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
it actually just bugged
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
fortunately for us it seems to happen a fair few hours after SS, no idea exactly when, but when we notice it's always quite a few hours after SS when most are already alseep, so it wasn't a huge issue yet but still frustrsating for some
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
so still same issues
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
Had to reset bot because it went into - and wasnt going to next etc
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged

40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
well we have only been using this bot recently with the OCE servers, and we didn;'t use it for first few days as u dont clasim low lvl spawns
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
Just noticed this being bugged again, it didnt appear to be bigged right after SS, so not exactly sure when it happened
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged

40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
i dont really know for sure yet, just that I need te keep manually clearing all spawns each day
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
It seems like if someone has a claim before SS and it's not ended by SS, it bugs out and goes into the - timer
40 replies
NSNabBot Support
•Created by Violent Beams on 4/18/2024 in #support-or-suggestions
resspawn list timer bugged
It's been a reoccuring issue every day yes
40 replies