NabBot Support


NabBot Support

Join the community to ask questions about NabBot Support and get answers from other members.


Apps -> Who Is?

When right clicking a user and running Apps -> Who Is? the bot lists my characters for the user I clicked on (which is not myself).
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Is there a way to track when the Yasir (Mini World Changes) is on? And, if so, is there a way to implement that similarly to Rashid? I understand Rashid is fixed to specific days, and Yasir is not but... It is probably the most requested thing on servers I'm a part of....

Setting up News Channel

Hello! I set up a channel for NabBot to relay articles using the command /settings news-channel set, and it works fine. However, the app's name appears as News instead of NabBot News, like I’ve seen in other servers. Is that normal?
I think that's configurable, in Server settings > Integrations

Setting up discord for Tibia Guild.

Hi Guys, i want to do some changes in the current discord. Please explain to me, if Nabbot is able to do it: 1. First of all i want to have rules for every new member of the discord. If he will approve it (by clicking) then he received GUEST role. 2. Regarding tibia: - lvl info/death info about members of the guild - automatically information about how many people are online on the server...

This bot can be used with other games?

Hey everyone! I’m interested in the claiming system of this bot and was wondering—would it be possible to use it for a different game besides Tibia? If so, how flexible is it in terms of customization for other games? Looking forward to your insights! Thank you in advance!
Hi! 👋 There is no interest in customizing it for other games. As a discord bot, you can use it however you want within its limits Feel free to use the respawn system and its customizations if it applies to you, but it is not recommended, not supported, and there won't be any improvements to the system if their goal is to exclusively help other games...

Premium TC

How long does it usually take to active a premium which has been paid using TCs?

Autorole based on level and voc

I suggest that we create a autorole based on lvl and vocs, also possible to make it based on both, for example: MS RP MS 150-300, RP 150-300....

Autorole do only assign role but do not remove it

When registering a character, the person receives the 'registrado' role. This is working. However, when the person unregisters his character, the role is not removed. I have not found an easy way to debug this to find the problem. Below are some pictures that I think are important....
I can confirm the bug exists when the users do not have any other character assigned
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Autoroles for guild

Hello, I’m having some issues getting nabbot to apply autoroles for my guild. Is this something someone can assist me with?...

Pending transaction

Hello guys. I have a pending transaction since january 4.
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Deaths only feed

It would be cool to have a feed of just deaths from my guild friends, so that I could poke them outside of the bot

Not Showing Registered Characters

When testing on another account, NabBot is not showing my registered characters.

Bot assigning guild member role incorrectly

There is that guy who used to be in our guild more than a year ago but isn't anymore, he's still on our discord tho. So NabBot started a few months ago out of the blue assigning him the guild member role - we checked countless times, he doesn't have any chars in our guild registered. We take away the role, a few days after NabBot reassigns it again and the process repeats. This is quite annoying... Any fix? cc @Goro...

World online list and level/death channels

I tried searching and couldn't find a definitive answer, is there a way to add channels for world online list and level/death? I added my world to the server but the online list doesn't seem to work at all and the level/death channel will only track players registered in the Discord.
That's exactly as intended World online list does not exist, you have to create and configure watchlists as you would like them to be (add chars, or guilds) And deaths/levels will only be announced by default for the members of your discord server. Unless feeds for watchlists are added...

Stuck respawns caused by bot downtime

I'm not sure on the exact cause, but if the bot is offline around the time at which a respawn is scheduled to be passed to another player, the respawn will become stuck in "pending". For example, today the bot went offline at 08:18 UTC (according to #status-updates), and on our server someone's hunt for 1502 was supposed to end at 08:19. Now it is stuck in pending for several hours now, PENDING|1502 Guzzlemaw Valley (Roshamuul West) until someone clears it (or maybe kicks the pending user)....

Problem with setting server world

I’ve got this prompt while trying to set a world to my channel. Any tips?
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Levels and Deaths does not update

Hello all, Since 10/26/24 our Levels and Deaths channel no longer show's anyone who is registered through "IM" . There hasn't been an unprompted NabBot post in the channel since that day. All other NabBot features seem to be working fine throughout Discord. The "/levels all" works and is accurate, same with all "/death" commands. I've verified and refreshed the Webhook. I verified there is no Min Level Set that would be affecting it....

red circle message notice

i had this show up on near every channel both voice and text. the ones on text had no message to me but the red circle vanished when i left the channel... but the ones on my voice channels do not have anyone in them nor does the red circle vanish, atm they seem permanent. my server is Bearforce one. this started yesterday Dec 24, Merry Christmas to Discord Crew.

NabBot watchlist does not update

Hello, I've created two watchlist as freemium user but they do not update since 30 minutes. Any idea why this is happening?