NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 12/13/2024 in #support
input chest in second world not sending to sorting chest in other world
they have a way to "link" worlds together so I will also try that out.
17 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 12/13/2024 in #support
input chest in second world not sending to sorting chest in other world
it seems like they're using bukkits world management system, if I'm reading this code right ?
it could just be how they handle chunk loading/unloading on their end
17 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 12/13/2024 in #support
input chest in second world not sending to sorting chest in other world
the second dimension is just a super flat overworld only for a bunch of automated redstone machines like a cobblestone generator
17 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 12/13/2024 in #support
input chest in second world not sending to sorting chest in other world
it might not work with custom dimensions then 😅 - no biggie, I can easily move the setup into the same dimension as the 1st overworld and just build it far far away (out of sight)
17 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 12/13/2024 in #support
input chest in second world not sending to sorting chest in other world
yes, it works fine in my 1st overworld but doesn't transfer items from the 2nd overworld. I have 2 input chests, one in each world and both are level 5. I can grab screen shots in the morning. I will also try to have a buddy online and have them in the 2nd world to see if that makes a difference. If not, I plan to start a process of elimination by disabling one plugin at a time to see if I can get a resolution.
17 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 12/13/2024 in #support
input chest in second world not sending to sorting chest in other world
wild chests is the one I suspect the most
I added in wild loaders thinking maybe I needed a chunk loader but networks already cover this.
multiworld is the plugin used to create the 2nd overworld
17 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 12/13/2024 in #support
input chest in second world not sending to sorting chest in other world
paper 1.21.1
networks 3.0.6
Advanced-Portals, AdvancedRedstone, AdvancedWorldCreatorAPI, AggressiveAnimals, AngelChest, AttackThrough, AuraSkills, AutoComposter, AutomatedCrafting
BKCommonLib, Baconize, BetterChairs, BetterFood, BetterLogStrip, BetterStructures, Bookshelf, BuildPastePlugin, BuildPortals, BukkitOfUtils, Bending
CMILib, ChestSort, Coordinates, CrossYourBows, customcrafting DarkerNights, DoorsReloaded, DoubleJump, Drop2InventoryPlus, DryingFlesh, Dynmap Elevators, EliteMobs, EssentialsX, EssentialsXChat, EssentialsXDiscord, EssentialsXProtect, EssentialsXSpawn, ExcellentEnchants FacilisCommon, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FilteredHoppers, Fletcher, FreeMinecraftModels
ImageFrame, InvSee++, InvSee++_Clear, InvSee++_Give, InvUnload, InvisibleItemFrames KixsSimpleBackpacks
LemonBeehive, LevelledMobs, LuckPerms, LumberJack
MobFarmManager, MultiWorld-Bukkit, mobsizerandomizer NameColor, Networks, nightcore PerWorldPlugins, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerKits2, Plugins See for OP, PostOffice, ProtocolLib quarrycraft ResourcePackManager SafariNet, SilkAmethyst, SilktouchSpawners, StackResize, StinkyPlayers, sleep-most, StoneDamager TAB, TerryHealthbar, TrainCarts, Tweakin Vault, VillagerFollow WildChests, WildLoaders, wolfyutils, worldguard
CMILib, ChestSort, Coordinates, CrossYourBows, customcrafting DarkerNights, DoorsReloaded, DoubleJump, Drop2InventoryPlus, DryingFlesh, Dynmap Elevators, EliteMobs, EssentialsX, EssentialsXChat, EssentialsXDiscord, EssentialsXProtect, EssentialsXSpawn, ExcellentEnchants FacilisCommon, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FilteredHoppers, Fletcher, FreeMinecraftModels
ImageFrame, InvSee++, InvSee++_Clear, InvSee++_Give, InvUnload, InvisibleItemFrames KixsSimpleBackpacks
LemonBeehive, LevelledMobs, LuckPerms, LumberJack
MobFarmManager, MultiWorld-Bukkit, mobsizerandomizer NameColor, Networks, nightcore PerWorldPlugins, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerKits2, Plugins See for OP, PostOffice, ProtocolLib quarrycraft ResourcePackManager SafariNet, SilkAmethyst, SilktouchSpawners, StackResize, StinkyPlayers, sleep-most, StoneDamager TAB, TerryHealthbar, TrainCarts, Tweakin Vault, VillagerFollow WildChests, WildLoaders, wolfyutils, worldguard
17 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 12/13/2024 in #support
input chest in second world not sending to sorting chest in other world
Do I need to make a recipe for the -1 range spot (6th spot)
17 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 11/24/2024 in #support
items not being sorted from input container
thank you so much, I thought I was going crazy or something.
6 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 11/24/2024 in #support
items not being sorted from input container
that #0 came in after I restarted the server - nothing changed in any server files for networks
6 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 11/24/2024 in #support
items not being sorted from input container

6 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 8/29/2023 in #support
Items stay in chest after log out/log back in or server restart
the chests still do the odd thing but the hoppers don't
32 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 8/29/2023 in #support
Items stay in chest after log out/log back in or server restart
yes hoppers seem to be working just fine so far - I will keep a closer eye on them and update if needed
thank you for your help
32 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 8/29/2023 in #support
Items stay in chest after log out/log back in or server restart
I'm doing something wrong - I crafted an input item from a crafting table but when I click or shift click it on a hopper it just tells me "hoppers are not allowed to be network components". I will check the plugin files
32 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 8/29/2023 in #support
Items stay in chest after log out/log back in or server restart
if I'm understanding correctly, I have a sugarcane farm that gets collected by regular hoppers and feeds the sugar cane into the input chest ?
32 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 8/29/2023 in #support
Items stay in chest after log out/log back in or server restart
would this one cause any issues
32 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 8/29/2023 in #support
Items stay in chest after log out/log back in or server restart
no just a regular hopper
32 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 8/29/2023 in #support
Items stay in chest after log out/log back in or server restart
I use the most recent version and I have a plugin called Filtered hoppers
and another one called Chest Sort
32 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 8/29/2023 in #support
Items stay in chest after log out/log back in or server restart
The chest fills up from not sending anything out and only begins sending items once I open it with an empty hand and then close it
32 replies
NPNetworks Plugin
•Created by Kyo on 8/29/2023 in #support
Items stay in chest after log out/log back in or server restart
I only use a hopper to get items in
32 replies