Networks Plugin•3mo ago

input chest in second world not sending to sorting chest in other world

Both input chests are at level 5 range. I'm suspecting maybe a config/recipe issue but I'm not sure at the moment. - my network json. One input is at the top of the list and one is at the bottom. spaced it out so it's easier to see and removed myself from the owner line (only for this) I have load chunks set to true and the reason I think it maybe the recipe/config is because in the first image I have 6 spots and in the recipe file, there are only 5 recipe, but I tied to remove one of the 6 so it would be 5 upgrades 5 recipe but that also didn't work so I put it back to how it was. then also in-game there is a command to give myself range upgrade 6 and it sends out an error.
{"version":"3.0.6","Owner","users":[],"properties":{"baseRange":20,... is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
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9 Replies
KyoOP•3mo ago
Do I need to make a recipe for the -1 range spot (6th spot)
Kwantux•3mo ago
I will look at this in the next days. Time's kinda limited right now. Thanks for your patience 🙂 So the reason, the config has 6 ranges and there are only 5 recipes is because components can have a base range by default (no upgrades). Your config seems right.. and in my test server it runs fine. Are you getting any error messages? And what server software / other plugins are you using?
KyoOP•3mo ago
paper 1.21.1 networks 3.0.6 Advanced-Portals, AdvancedRedstone, AdvancedWorldCreatorAPI, AggressiveAnimals, AngelChest, AttackThrough, AuraSkills, AutoComposter, AutomatedCrafting BKCommonLib, Baconize, BetterChairs, BetterFood, BetterLogStrip, BetterStructures, Bookshelf, BuildPastePlugin, BuildPortals, BukkitOfUtils, Bending
CMILib, ChestSort, Coordinates, CrossYourBows, customcrafting DarkerNights, DoorsReloaded, DoubleJump, Drop2InventoryPlus, DryingFlesh, Dynmap Elevators, EliteMobs, EssentialsX, EssentialsXChat, EssentialsXDiscord, EssentialsXProtect, EssentialsXSpawn, ExcellentEnchants FacilisCommon, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FilteredHoppers, Fletcher, FreeMinecraftModels
ImageFrame, InvSee++, InvSee++_Clear, InvSee++_Give, InvUnload, InvisibleItemFrames KixsSimpleBackpacks
LemonBeehive, LevelledMobs, LuckPerms, LumberJack
MobFarmManager, MultiWorld-Bukkit, mobsizerandomizer NameColor, Networks, nightcore PerWorldPlugins, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerKits2, Plugins See for OP, PostOffice, ProtocolLib quarrycraft ResourcePackManager SafariNet, SilkAmethyst, SilktouchSpawners, StackResize, StinkyPlayers, sleep-most, StoneDamager TAB, TerryHealthbar, TrainCarts, Tweakin Vault, VillagerFollow WildChests, WildLoaders, wolfyutils, worldguard wild chests is the one I suspect the most I added in wild loaders thinking maybe I needed a chunk loader but networks already cover this. multiworld is the plugin used to create the 2nd overworld
Kwantux•3mo ago
Okay those are alot of plugins, I'll look at which may have an effect on the plugin's behaviour I am not able to recreate the bug using Multiworld & WildChests. (Purpur 1.21.1-2329) My testing server is publicly available at if you need that (you can /op yourself there if you need to) So if I got you right, item transmission works in one dimension but not across dimensions?
KyoOP•3mo ago
yes, it works fine in my 1st overworld but doesn't transfer items from the 2nd overworld. I have 2 input chests, one in each world and both are level 5. I can grab screen shots in the morning. I will also try to have a buddy online and have them in the 2nd world to see if that makes a difference. If not, I plan to start a process of elimination by disabling one plugin at a time to see if I can get a resolution.
Kwantux•3mo ago
Okay, in my tests, I transferred an item from the regular overworld to the Nether. I did not try it with custom dimensions
KyoOP•3mo ago
it might not work with custom dimensions then 😅 - no biggie, I can easily move the setup into the same dimension as the 1st overworld and just build it far far away (out of sight) the second dimension is just a super flat overworld only for a bunch of automated redstone machines like a cobblestone generator
Kwantux•3mo ago
My plugin relies on bukkits own world management system. Perhaps Multi World implements their own You can try if one of the other multiworld plugins like Multiverse or Hyperverse work
KyoOP•3mo ago it seems like they're using bukkits world management system, if I'm reading this code right ? it could just be how they handle chunk loading/unloading on their end they have a way to "link" worlds together so I will also try that out.

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