Items stay in chest after log out/log back in or server restart
Hey so I looked at the faq and I did all of steps required under the "items stay inside input chest" section. Everything checks out, but for some odd reason when I log out and then back in or if the server restarts, items stay inside the input chest until I open the input chest with an empty hand then close the chest. The input chests then act like nothing happened and begin working just fine. Yes, it is a small inconvenience but a bit tedious to go through and open and close every input chest each time I log back into the server.
No errors in the console either
23 Replies
The Input Chest updates every time a player closes it or a hopper points an item into it.
What other method of getting items into the chest are you using?
I only use a hopper to get items in
Hm, ok
When leading items into the input chest with a hopper, it will trigger a sort, but 1 will item will always stay in the chest since the sorting is triggered before the item getting into the chest
The chest fills up from not sending anything out and only begins sending items once I open it with an empty hand and then close it
Hm, ima test this on my server rq
On my testing server it works fine, what version of the plugin are you using and are you using some other plugins, that do something with hoppers?
I use the most recent version and I have a plugin called Filtered hoppers
and another one called Chest Sort
The Chest sort shouldn't cause any issues, the other one is a private spigot repo
Do you use a filtered hopper to input items in the chest?
no just a regular hopper
The plugin might change the way hoppers work in Minecraft and doesn't use the vanilla features to do that as my plugin does and that may break stuff.
In your current setup, would it work if you have an Input Hopper that directly collects the items?
I think I know what the issue is, I just cannot fix it without seeing that plugins source code
would this one cause any issues
I don't see any reason why it shouldn't
As long as the plugin doesn't dump items into your input chest it should work
if I'm understanding correctly, I have a sugarcane farm that gets collected by regular hoppers and feeds the sugar cane into the input chest ?
In your farm, you have normal hoppers leading the items into the Input Chest.
Try replacing the normal hoppers with Input Hoppers. Those don't need to lead anywhere, all items they collect automatically go into the network.
I'm doing something wrong - I crafted an input item from a crafting table but when I click or shift click it on a hopper it just tells me "hoppers are not allowed to be network components". I will check the plugin files
Can you go to the networks.conf?
There should be that option
yes hoppers seem to be working just fine so far - I will keep a closer eye on them and update if needed
thank you for your help
the chests still do the odd thing but the hoppers don't
It seems like the filtered hopper is no open source, otherwise I coul've prob made a compat fix, but the direct hopper version should prob work fine
I could add back the sorting tickloop
Basically the chest is sorted every few seconds
That however would be a config option since that may affect performance on bigger servers
And second a system, that you can power the chests with redstone and then they sort the items
I was looking for someone reporting something similar.
I built a farm that output lots of items. I decided to used network so I don't need to make water flow + hoppers. but Items are getting stuck inside input chest, instead of going to miscellaneous chest. If I don't click on the container it doesn't update.
To save performance, network components aren't ticked without any outside action, they trigger a sort, when you close them or when a hopper leads an item into them.
If another plugin changes the way hoppers work and doesn't call the vanilla event for that, Networks won't notice.
I will look into a fix for that later, but as said above input hoppers should do the trick
“When a hopper” if I use sorting hoppers will this also triggers update?
Any hopper
Sorting hoppers recieve items, the name may be a little bit misleading
But the sorting hoppers can be used to put items on “things” right? Like 2 functions (as normal hopper, and also as network hopper that will teleport items to this hopper) right?