Created by corydeppen on 12/6/2024 in #❓・help
NuxtLink `to` prop includes file names instead of paths
I decided to add public-hoist-pattern[]=*vue-router* to my .npmrc file instead of installing the package with the hope that will reduce the scope of the hoisted packages. It still feels like it's removing one of the benefits of pnpm, so I'm hopeful there may be a fix in the future.
7 replies
Created by corydeppen on 12/6/2024 in #❓・help
NuxtLink `to` prop includes file names instead of paths
Daniel's comment about installing unplugin-vue-router resolved the issue and generated the expected type used by the to prop. I've been trying to avoid adding the shamefully-hoist option for pnpm if possible.
7 replies