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Created by Jarco on 5/19/2024 in #help-and-questions
ts error in library file
When running my project with prisma locally on my pc it works fine but as soon as i try to build my project in docker it fails due to errors with in the prisma type file aparently this is my schema.prisma file https://github.com/Jarco-dev/ferox-statistics/blob/master/prisma/schema.prisma https://i.jarco.dev/4Hw6iHXW.png
12 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by Jarco on 1/24/2024 in #djs-questions
Users & Role select menu not clearing when it should
I am not sure if this is a bug in discord.js discord it self or me missing something but this seems broken. I seem to be unable to clear the select when the user has interacted with it, it is possible to clear values set by the bot via setDefaultUsers but as soon as the user selects or deselects something and triggers interactionCreate it becomes impossible to clear it. I made some code that is able to reproduce this with the following steps * Enter the token into the TOKEN const * Start the bot using node * In any channel which the bot can see and send messages in send .test * Select a few users * Send .test again * Press the reset button (the menu should be cleared) * Select a few users again * Press the reset button again (No users will be cleared this time even though the same code is being executed) https://gist.github.com/Jarco-dev/5c6235688ca6cee26bb5a85535c9a1a2
56 replies