Created by BloodDrunk on 7/1/2024 in #❓┊help
temporary upload file
Aha, okay thanks, that makes sense
4 replies
Created by Robert Mann on 2/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Does FileUpload have a started/finished upload event of any kind?
nicee that actually works, sweet shit!
5 replies
Created by Robert Mann on 2/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Does FileUpload have a started/finished upload event of any kind?
bump I want to display a component in a form builder when the file upload is complete I know there is AfterStateUpdated, but I dont know how to use it to toggle visibility of a component
5 replies
Created by BloodDrunk on 6/20/2024 in #❓┊help
sushi many to many relation manager
couldn't find a use for this. I ended up having sushi model with static data, eloquent model and created a seeder class to pull data from the sushi model and populate the eloquent model, and had to implement functionalities for handling cases such as differences in sushi and eloquent data, pivot updating...
5 replies
Created by BloodDrunk on 6/20/2024 in #❓┊help
sushi many to many relation manager
Thank you for this, it might be useful
5 replies
Created by BloodDrunk on 6/20/2024 in #❓┊help
sushi many to many relation manager
It doesn't work. You can't achieve this with sushi.
5 replies
Created by nowak on 4/25/2024 in #❓┊help
How to fully disable export action modal?
Im not sure what you mean by "share", but I am indeed open to help you point in the right direction, what you need?
12 replies
Created by James | mrtorks[SH Aron] on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Action button url for a post request
Just putting it here for anyone else having similar problem: I had to resort to making a custom header component, importing existing components (such as breadcrumbs) to have the header look as close as normal resource page, and using filament::buttons with custom javascript code to achieve my goal. It's much less work and works well!
32 replies
Created by nowak on 4/25/2024 in #❓┊help
How to fully disable export action modal?
I had to resort to making my own exporter controllers and services, and custom buttons, as I also wanted to avoid modals and have instant download without storing it on the filesystem. Maybe filament should allow instant downloads once the export is completed instead of having it stored
12 replies
Created by James | mrtorks[SH Aron] on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Action button url for a post request
Yeah, might have to take that option into consideration. Thank you for your input tho!
32 replies
Created by James | mrtorks[SH Aron] on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Action button url for a post request
No, that's alright, I'm not very familiar with filament and livewire, that is why I am asking if there is a possibility of achieving my goal, could be my approach to the functionality is wrong
32 replies
Created by James | mrtorks[SH Aron] on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Action button url for a post request
I could do that but then I would have to rework all other pages and how the data is sent and parsed, it's not a problem but its just more work in order to achieve my goal, kind of remeding the issue instead of addressing the root cause. So in essence, header actions cannot (yet) post data to controller?
32 replies
Created by James | mrtorks[SH Aron] on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Action button url for a post request
That would require me to implement a fetching method from inside the controller or even a service, which I want to avoid, and the service is already working for other pdf generation pages I have, so I'd like to keep it as it is right now. I guess the answer is: it isn't possible right now. Maybe it can be added in new filament versions @Dan Harrin (sorry for the tag, just wanted to involve you for reading). Thanks for your time
32 replies
Created by James | mrtorks[SH Aron] on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Action button url for a post request
I dont know, why can't I send a collection of objects of a model through get? Ultimatively what I'm doing is sending as a data a collection of objects, where would a GET store that
32 replies
Created by James | mrtorks[SH Aron] on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Action button url for a post request
Custom page would allow me complete control over the page, layout (such as a custom button), to which i can bind javascript function and comstruct a post request, but that seems like a lot of rework for such a simple functionality that I believe shouldnt be so hard to implement on existing system. I explained above that i need to send the data for the pdf template for the service to construct the pdf. Such as path to the template and the data for the template.
32 replies
Created by James | mrtorks[SH Aron] on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Action button url for a post request
I have already went throught both of those examples, thank you for the response! The thing is, I cant do it that way, this uses a per-record actions and response download of a file that is stored on the system. I already have the pdf service which generates pdf from template and the data passed to it, pdf controller which manages that, route which points to the controller I specifically need to be able to cause a post request to the route with the data, on the header button click (the button which is where usually a "create new X" is). I need new header action button, with what I mentioned. Is there a possibility of doing that, or how else should I approach that problem? I am trying to not leave filament pages, but so far no luck, and thinking I m going to have to resort to custom pages.
32 replies
Created by James | mrtorks[SH Aron] on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Action button url for a post request
Can you be more descriptive? Perhaps pointing me to which part of the documentation in the Livewire site would be helpful, as I am not finding anything related to my problem in livewire's "retuning response" search. As far as I have understood, the request never reaches the controller, and thus download can never occur, in network tab all I see is "update" on a livewire component
32 replies
Created by James | mrtorks[SH Aron] on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Action button url for a post request
Bumping the thread since I have very similar question:
return [
->label("Download PDF")
->action(function (){
$response = Http::post(route("generate_pdf"), [
'pdf_template_path' => "pdf-templates.merchant-invoices",
'pdf_data' => [
'invoices' => Statement::all(),
return [
->label("Download PDF")
->action(function (){
$response = Http::post(route("generate_pdf"), [
'pdf_template_path' => "pdf-templates.merchant-invoices",
'pdf_data' => [
'invoices' => Statement::all(),
This doesn't seem to do anything although its what you have recommended. The controller responsible for that route initiates file download, but I can't get the controller to run. What are my options? A more general question is, how can one use filamen't actions in order to make a request to the endpoint and send data along the request.
32 replies
Created by nowak on 4/25/2024 in #❓┊help
How to fully disable export action modal?
bump, tried using leandro's solution, doesn't seem to do anything.
12 replies