sushi many to many relation manager

Has anyone managed to get sushi model and filament relation manager to work together? I have a sushi role model and a normal user model, and i would like to have a many to many relation manager between role and user combined with Select component. I tried implementing it as a normal relation manager as per filament tutorial, as if the role model was normal model instead of sushi but I simply get pivot table role_user doesnt exist, even tho it exists. How is the procedure for that?
3 Replies
BloodDrunkOP8mo ago
It doesn't work. You can't achieve this with sushi.
blex8mo ago
Squire by Dan Harrin would probably do what you need - based on Sushi and supports relationships -
GitHub - squirephp/squire: A library of static Eloquent models for ...
A library of static Eloquent models for common fixture data. - squirephp/squire
BloodDrunkOP8mo ago
Thank you for this, it might be useful couldn't find a use for this. I ended up having sushi model with static data, eloquent model and created a seeder class to pull data from the sushi model and populate the eloquent model, and had to implement functionalities for handling cases such as differences in sushi and eloquent data, pivot updating...

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