useFetch and keys that end up not being unique
also check
9 replies
preflight with 204 no content
Same for the vite project btw -
7 replies
preflight with 204 no content
@Nangman02 since Nuxt 3.15 you need to set a list of allowed hosts for dev (this was to close a security vulnerability)
See e.g.
7 replies
@tus/server production build error
otherwise you could also look into
24 replies
@tus/server production build error
though the error message looks more like interop issue 🤔
24 replies
@tus/server production build error
@Serhii Chernenko yeah, could be an issue with interop of cloudflare workers and TUS Server. You could log the errors via the nitro error hook or a try/catch and console log. The worker should be able to output the logs properly
24 replies