Count Arocles
Count Arocles
Created by Count Arocles on 7/24/2024 in #questions
Duplicate player nicknames
It was truly it! Modifications that resolved this: tabprefix: "%luckperms-prefix%" tagprefix: "%luckperms-prefix%" customtabname: "%player%" //Moved player placeholder in custom tab name customtagname: "%player%" tabsuffix: "%luckperms-suffix% %condition:afk%" tagsuffix: "%luckperms-suffix% %condition:afk%" Thanks for pointing at tab, I didnt even know that its formatting player nicknames outside tab.
7 replies
Created by Count Arocles on 7/24/2024 in #questions
Duplicate player nicknames
Player: tabprefix: "&0&l[&7&lPlayer&0&l] &3" tagprefix: "&2&lPlayer &3" example_group: header: - "This is an example of per-group header/footer" footer: - "applied to a group" # default settings for all groups, all groups will take properties from this section unless player's primary group overrides a specific setting DEFAULT: tabprefix: "%luckperms-prefix%%player%" tagprefix: "%luckperms-prefix%%player%" customtabname: "" customtagname: "" # don't forget to enable unlimited nametag mode to make this one work tabsuffix: " %condition:afk%" tagsuffix: " %condition:afk%" per-world: world1: Owner: tabprefix: "&0&l[&a&lOwner&0&l] &a" tagprefix: "&2&lOwner &a" Luckperms maybe adds name to prefix placeholder, this might be it
7 replies
Created by Count Arocles on 9/4/2023 in #questions
Purpur afk system and TAB integration
Yea maybe ur right, essentials always work without this hassle around... thanks for your time 🙂
9 replies
Created by Count Arocles on 9/4/2023 in #questions
Purpur afk system and TAB integration
Yea, but this server is designed to be lightweight and simple to use and set up(when purpur can do it why install essentials just for that), purpur has ho placeholders?
9 replies
Created by Count Arocles on 7/22/2023 in #questions
Chat name formatting
Thanks, this is exactly what I needed 🙂
6 replies
Created by sheo on 7/17/2023 in #questions
A cosmetics plugin for a Practice server?
Yes in config, one by one or by groups
16 replies
Created by sheo on 7/17/2023 in #questions
A cosmetics plugin for a Practice server?
I would choose UltraCosmetics, its free and open source. In config you can enable or disable what effects you want .
16 replies