Kuro Nekoshi
Kuro Nekoshi
Created by Kuro Nekoshi on 6/15/2024 in #✋|help
"Deployment Failed during build process" - After the application already worked?
Having a weird issue where my Application goes up, runs for a while then goes to "Deployment Failed during build process", there doesn't seem to be any error logs anywhere I could find. I'm quite stumped here, anyone who can assist? 😅
27 replies
Created by Kuro Nekoshi on 3/12/2024 in #✋|help
"Cannot redeploy without a snapshot"
Hey! I'm having an issue where after setting up the cron schedule in settings of my database, I no longer can restart it, it only gives me the error of "Cannot redeploy without a snapshot". It also looks like it doesn't restart at the cron schedule time... I tried using the service redeploy bookmarklet, and it works doing it that way, but it doesn't actually fix the issue..
11 replies
Created by Kuro Nekoshi on 3/4/2024 in #✋|help
Banned Dependency?
No description
5 replies