Created by pansbjorne on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can dress sneakers be worn with shorts?
Gotcha, ty
27 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can dress sneakers be worn with shorts?
Could u elaborate on what you mean by minimalist?
27 replies
Created by moihbalphw on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Padding in bomber jacket "rumpled"
Could maybe rewash it and flatten it out, then dry it flat
11 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can dress sneakers be worn with shorts?
OK so like, are non-white leather sneakers still discouraged?
27 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can dress sneakers be worn with shorts?
27 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can dress sneakers be worn with shorts?
Can I wear those with shorts lol
27 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can dress sneakers be worn with shorts?
Tho if I did want to go with leather sneakers, white is best?
27 replies
Created by moihbalphw on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Padding in bomber jacket "rumpled"
Like a down jacket? Maybe dry it on low or no heat with some tennis balls or wool balls
11 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can dress sneakers be worn with shorts?
27 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can dress sneakers be worn with shorts?
27 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can dress sneakers be worn with shorts? was looking at these specifically
27 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can dress sneakers be worn with shorts?
What are dress sneakers then?
27 replies
Created by attemptedchemistry on 9/10/2023 in #questions-and-advice
What is the best rainwear for tailored clothing?
Pretty sure they're all polyester
25 replies
Created by attemptedchemistry on 9/10/2023 in #questions-and-advice
What is the best rainwear for tailored clothing?
Norwegian Rain got some cool stuff
25 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 8/31/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Denim Jacket Recommendations?
Any brands or styles to look out for in particular?
7 replies
Created by shogun82 on 8/25/2023 in #questions-and-advice
is it normal for a new pair of loafers to be painful?
That explains it a bit
14 replies
Created by shogun82 on 8/25/2023 in #questions-and-advice
is it normal for a new pair of loafers to be painful?
Most of the time they should be comfortable right away. Did the Oxford have leather soles?
14 replies
Created by AAE on 8/25/2023 in #questions-and-advice
flagship stores in NYC to visit?
I also had a good experience getting sized at Carmina. I'd also recommend checking out Leffot. They've got a lot of top of the line brands, and no harm in just figuring out your fit
14 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 8/22/2023 in #questions-and-advice
What laces would match best?
Interesting, was not considering blue
6 replies
Created by pansbjorne on 8/22/2023 in #questions-and-advice
What laces would match best?
I see Danner go red a lot as well. But mostly with brown/tan shoes a lot so wasn't sure
6 replies