Relative path issue
I am trying to read some Json files and parse them with one of my services. Locally it works fine.
I've tried 3 different methods of determining the path and all of them have the same path issue
So here is my deployment log message
here is my path creation that works locally in dev mode
string jsonFilePath = Path.Combine("wwwroot", "json", "homecoming", "boost_sets", $"{enhancementName}.json");
string jsonFilePath = "wwwroot/json/homecoming/boost_sets/" + enhancementName + ".json";
string webRootPath = _env.WebRootPath;
string jsonFilePath = Path.Combine(webRootPath, "json", "homecoming", "boost_sets", $"{enhancementName}.json");
All three above work locally just fine and all 3 give me the same error when deployed22 replies